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Atari NOS V0.42 - Released 24.12.94
This new version of the Atari NOS TCP/IP system includes a new script
facility for FTP, various fixes and enhancments and reduced load module
size due to the removal of code which is not relevant for this
There are a number of changes affecting the startup.nos nos file and a
new sample file is included in this distribution.
NOS now supports ftp scripts to automate logging in and/or transfer of files.
Various FTP options may now be set as defaults with the ftpopt command in
a script or the startup.nos file.
The following new commands are available:-
open <hostname> - open a connection to hostname's FTP server.
close - close the connection to the current FTP server.
source <filename> - read commands from the file <filename>.
ftpopt verbose [01234] - sets ftp reporting level
ftpopt hash - use hashmarks (- ftpopt verbose 3)
ftpopt byte - report bytes up/downloaded (= ftpopt verbose 4)
ftpopt type ascii | binary - set the file type
ftpopt ascii - set ASCII file type
ftpopt binary - set binary file type
ftpopt pager on | off - set ftp paging on or off
Things to note:
1. If no connection has ever been made then reset <session> fails
from the net> prompt.
2. If you are scripting and a connection fails _all_ commands meant
for that host are still executed ( they really wiz past the screen )
up to the next correct connection or EOF <sourcefile>. This is not
a bug, someone mentioned wanting to go round a list of hosts on a
regular basis, this method allows a script to continue to completion
even if one ( or many ) hosts are unavailable.
3. If reading from a script you must put the username and password you
want to use for a particular host in the script file. Users should be
aware that if the host is not anonymous then their password could
be compromised ( not on the screen ) but by others reading the script.
4. Sample script and usage for ftp scripting:
Filename: ftp.scr
open ftp.demon.co.uk
username@ - enter your own username here
cd /pub/doc
get Services.txt
[repeat for other ftp sites perhaps]
To use log on and at the "net>" prompt type 'ftp' and then at the "ftp>"
prompt type 'source ftp.scr' and let it do its stuff. At the end press
enter to finish the session.
There are a couple of things you may notice with the mail server:-
The mail bounce envelope From now comes from "postmaster@<your host>".
The "New mail arrived" message now says who the mail is from.
The nntp status messages have been improved and provide more timing
information. A 'nntp ststus' command during the header download phase
now returns statistics for the download process and dosn't just ignore
Now that the snews threaded newsreader program is available for the
Atari support basic splitting and posting of news from within NOS has
ben removed, reducing load module size and complexity. As a result the
news output is now always written to the 'batch.txt' file in rnews
format. The 'nntp rnews' and 'nntp profile' commands hve been removed
and should be deleted from startup.nos
The telnet client now includeds the ttylink service in the udp/tcp port
list. The command 'telnet <hostname> ttylink' will establish a ttylink
session with hostname on port 87. Alias names for ttylink are chat and
If you want to connect to services which require better than vt52
terminal emulation, check out the ansi_st program which acts like the
ansi.sys driver for PC's and provides extended terminal capabilities.
You can download it from ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/atari/utility.
A new command 'ppp <iface> up | down' has been added to mamually start
or stop the PPP physical layer. The 'ppp sl0 lcp open active'
specifications say that PPP with initiale a negotiation exchange when
the physical layer becomes active, which happens when data is received.
If, however, the remote system dosn't send any data nothing will happen.
This command should set things going and allow a PPP connection between
two Atari's or with a remote host which has a pasive negotiation role.
Other changes
Base code upgraded to the Demon NOS V2.16 level.
A usage message has been added.
The ARP / RIP / Mailbox support has been removed to reduce the load
module size.
Various fixes, optomisations and improvments have been made to the code.
Support & Distribution
Atari NOS is maintained by David Nash. I welcome comments, bug-reports
and suggestions and I try to help fix any problems you may have with the
The 'home' site for this program is 'ftp.demon.co.uk' where it can be
found in the '/pub/atari' directories. It is also available from the CIX
system in the UK in the atari.internet conference. For support try the
nntp demon.ip.support.atari
CIX atari.internet
smtp dnash@chaos.demon.co.uk
_____/ / / ____ / ____ / ______/ A Private Internet Site
/ / / / / / / /
/ ____ / ____ / / / ____ / --- David Nash ---
/ / / / / / / / dnash@chaos.demon.co.uk
______/ _/ _/ _/ _/ ______/ ______/ dnash@cix.compulink.co.uk
PGP 1024/25E91F1D 1994.09.19 Fingerprint 593D1074 CBF882C4 5D569801 C79DC59B